Back In The Saddle Again

Well, I’m back!! Where have I been? Falling off the path, that’s where. After getting just a tiny bit busy back in February, I found myself too easily making excuses for not going to the gym or getting that dessert that I was craving. It’s funny how quickly you can fall off track. Especially since, when I was working out really consistently and eating well, I felt really awesome! I had tons of energy, my back and muscle issues were nearly non existent which meant that my headaches and migraines were almost non existent and yet I still fell off track. It’s kind of crazy.

Today I was at Costco with my friend and we ran into a mutual friend who works there. He has been on a weight loss journey of his own which has been pretty awesome and inspirational for me. He asked how the whole working out thing has been going and I found myself really embarrassed to say that I had kind of fallen off the wagon. Later I got to thinking that there is no reason for me to feel embarrassed. This is going to happen. Just because I was doing great for a few months does not mean I am now immune to making mistakes and running into obstacles. That is going to happen. This is definitely not the last time it will happen. If this is going to be a lifestyle then I can expect it to happen a lot more. It’s what I choose to do after that happens that will determine whether I will have long term success. Also, I decided to weigh myself earlier this week to see what the damage was. I thought for sure I had to have gained because I hadn’t been eating that great and I certainly had not been working out. Turns out I lost 3 pounds!! So that’s awesome. I mean, I have now lost 18 pounds which is nothing to be sad about. Could I have been much further down in my weight loss had I been working out more consistently and eating better? Absolutely! But 3 pounds is nothing to scoff at! And 18 pounds total is actually really amazing. It really is!

So what does this all mean? Well, that I’m going to start again. I’m going to get up and work out and try to eat the best I can and just keep plugging along. I’m going to do my best not to beat myself up if I choose to eat poorly one day or don’t work out as hard as I know I should. I’m going to be happy with any weight loss I have even if it’s just a pound. I’m just going to keep at it.

How about you guys? Have you found yourself falling off the wagon? How did you get going again and what keeps you motivated?

PS – The title on this blog is super awesome and was handwritten by my very good pal Megan Tsang! It’s now a tattoo on my arm that I totally love! So props to her!